Luton Borough Council
Electronic document guidance
Some documents such as online banking statements and wage slips are not available in paper format. Advice for uploading electronic format documents is given below.
Please note: we can accept any combination of documents you have downloaded, scanned or photographed, but each single upload must be no larger than 2MB.
Help reducing file size if larger than 2MB:
Examples of documents accepted:
- proof of identity - passport, driving licence
- proof of national insurance number - National insurance card, DWP / HMRC award letters
- proof or rent - tenancy agreement, rent statement, rent book, letter from landlord
- proof of earned income - wage slips, 5 for weekly paid, 2 for monthly paid and 3 for fortnightly paid
- proof of other income - bank statements, award letters
- proof of capital - bank or building society statements
Click here for a more comprehensive list of accepted documents.
Download electronic documents from the internet:
- download the document from the internet (eg online bank statement or electronic wage slips)
- save to your device
- upload the document(s) directly to form
Screen shot of a webpage or document:
- take screenshot of the screen or document(s) on your device
- using the device, upload the screenshot image directly to the form
Paper documents
Even if you only have paper documents, you can convert these to electronic documents as follows:
- take photo(s) of the paper document(s) on a smartphone or tablet
- using the smartphone or tablet, upload directly to form
Scan paper document on a scanners:
- use a scanner to scan the document
- save the document to a PC or laptop
- upload the photo directly to form
File types accepted:
- PDF (.pdf)
- Word (.doc, .docx)
- Excel (.xls, .xlsx, xlt)
- images (.jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .png)
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ